30 Peak-Performance Lifestyle Experts Reveal The ONE Idea Responsible, Above All Others, For Their Incredible Success
Learn The Health, Wealth, And Personal Growth Secrets Others Have Used For Breakthrough Success
Your To The
Performance Living Summit
March 21st – 27th ($997 Value)
Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Waste Another Minute Before Claiming Your Free Ticket To The Performance Living Summit TODAY…

We’ve brought together 30 of the world’s most influential health, wealth and personal growth experts to teach you how to finally live life like it matters.
In other words, to live each day of your life knowing that you have a well-defined purpose and that your talents and skills are NOT being wasted, but instead are being utilized to their full potential.
Because when that happens it is an amazing feeling that can last a lifetime.
But not just anybody gets to experience this. In fact, it’s quite the contrary…
Let me show you what I mean with a simple question.
Have you ever struggled to achieve your goals, no matter what they might be, and come up short time after time no matter how hard you applied yourself or how much you sacrificed to make your dream come true?
Did you ever feel that no matter what actions you took, someone else, or some outside force, ALWAYS seemed to get in your way and you’d come away empty-handed, your dreams stopped cold?
It happens over and over to everyone. NOBODY achieves true success without encountering obstacle after obstacle, and most people NEVER manage to find their way through, go the distance, and fulfill the potential they envisioned for themselves. Failure is far, far more common than success.

Let me show you what I mean with a simple question.
Have you ever struggled to achieve your goals, no matter what they might be, and come up short time after time no matter how hard you applied yourself or how much you sacrificed to make your dream come true?
Did you ever feel that no matter what actions you took, someone else, or some outside force, ALWAYS seemed to get in your way and you’d come away empty-handed, your dreams stopped cold?
It happens over and over to everyone. NOBODY achieves true success without encountering obstacle after obstacle, and most people NEVER manage to find their way through, go the distance, and fulfill the potential they envisioned for themselves. Failure is far, far more common than success.
But what if there was a SHORTCUT?

What if you did not have to toil endlessly, and fail time after time simply because no one had yet shown you what DOES work when it comes to getting achieved the very things that YOU want to achieve as well?
That’s what makes the strategies revealed in the interview sessions of the Performance Living Summit so valuable.
You’ll learn about cherished discoveries and changes of viewpoint that have – in most cases more than any other contributing factor – changed the lives of the speaker and ushered in the kind of success that until then had been so difficult to attain.
The word you’re most likely to hear over and over again: epiphany. A change in thinking that opens up a whole new world of possibilities and helps you see for the first time just what it is you REALLY need to be doing to claim your rightful place in the world. To perform at your highest level and both know and believe with each passing day that you are living life like it truly matters.
This is what the Performance Living Summit is all about, and why you’d be crazy not to secure your spot right now!
Who’s Presenting & What Is Each Session About?
Dr. Dan Ritchie and myself (Carolyn Hansen) have hand-selected speakers who we feel exhibit the kind of high-performance lifestyle to which every one of us ought to aspire.
These are people who are at the top of their game. They have got where they are in life through hard work and they know the value of a hard-won shortcut! That means they are in a position to save you a TON of time, money, and effort when it comes to getting what YOU want from life.
And they’ve agreed to spill the beans on the ONE strategy, discovery, or philosophy that has made the biggest difference in getting to where they are today.
In other words, you can register now and LOCK IN the opportunity to discover some of the most precious success shortcuts you’re likely to be exposed to this year. OR you can risk having to figure it all out on your own and spend perhaps years in the process getting it done… All the while with absolutely no guarantee you’ll ever chance upon the valuable discoveries made by our 30 speakers!
Why risk doing that when you can learn everything these high-performance individuals in the areas of health, wealth, and personal growth are willing to divulge in these FREE sessions?
Below you’ll find a list of those speakers & their chosen topic:






























Get Access To 30 Interviews From Experts In Health, Wealth, And Personal Growth And Discover Their Breakthrough Secrets For Success

Here’s Why You Won’t Want To Miss This Online Conference

Hear Directly From Proven High Achievers
No matter whether your intent is to build incredible fitness, improve the quality of your long-term health, sky-rocket your business or bank account, or simply figure out how to Zen your way to a more fulfilling and stress-free life, our speakers have already reached the pinnacle of success in their chosen field and can tell you how to do the same.
Accelerate Your Rate Of Achievement
This summit is a fantastic way to reduce your own learning curve no matter what your goal. We’ve specifi- cally asked the speakers to narrow the focus of their interview down to ONE topic that has helped them to leap frog ahead in their business or personal life. What they have done, you can do too!

Accelerate Your Rate Of Achievement
This summit is a fantastic way to reduce your own learning curve no matter what your goal. We’ve specifi- cally asked the speakers to narrow the focus of their interview down to ONE topic that has helped them to leap frog ahead in their business or personal life. What they have done, you can do too!

Free For A Limited Time (only if you sign up TODAY)
Most conferences cost thousands to attend and takes DAYS out of your schedule. But with an online summit you can attend at the time of your choosing, and listen to just the speakers who interest you the most. Every talk available for FREE… but only for a limited time. Don’t wait and miss out.
Save On The All Access Recordings – Just $47
If you want access to ALL the sessions but you cannot attend each of them (they’re each online for just 24 hours) don’t worry. Although the recordings will be available after the summit has concluded for $97 – you can pick them up for just $47 for the short time during which the summit doors are open.

Summit Agenda – March 21st – 27th
Day 1 March 21st | Dr. Arland Hill Optimizing Your Brain for Personal Development with Nutrition |
Bedros Keuilian How to find your Passion and Dominate your Path |
Dr. Joe Rubino The Ultimate Guide to Boosting the Most Important Ingredient for Success and Happiness in Life |
Dr Peter Osborne The Grainflammation Cycle - how eating the wrong foods can cause inflammation, muscle loss & weight gain |
Day 2 March 22nd | Erin Nielsen 4 Simple Ways to Optimize Your Gene Expression for Youthful Skin, Effortless Weight Loss, and Amazing Energy after 40 |
Fred Schafer 50 Fit: Bring on the Future! |
Kathy Smart Tips for Living the Smart Way: A new Revolution in Food and Thinking |
Marna Thall Tips to Rewire Your Brain To Think, Eat and Live Thin |
Day 3 March 23rd | Nisan Trotter Achieving Your Best You |
Robby Blanchard How to improve your overall life performance |
Sylvia Chierchia Know your numbers. It’s the key thing for your business to grow, thrive and be profitable |
Stephanie Mulac When The American Dream Kicks You To The Curb |
Day 4 March 24th | Dr Rudy Mueller How to implement mindfulness into your morning routines, to eliminate stress from entering your morning |
Craig Ballantyne The Perfect Day Formula |
Dr. Kellee Rutley Reinvent your health to reinvent yourself |
Lori Kennedy How to stop worrying about "Balance" in your life |
Day 5 March 25th | Lily Jensen Discover your Passion and Using your Goals to reach your dreams |
Dr. Margaret Paul The ONE Major Cause of Relationship Problems |
Chris Cade Single Greatest discovery to Living a Life that Matters. |
Gudni Gunnarson Presence is power and the seven steps of transformation. |
Day 6 March 26th | Kristen Howe Extraordinary Momentum (the Secret to Happiness, Abundance and Fulfillment) |
Marcie Peters How to Deal with Self-Sabotage and the Shame Cycle. |
Holly Rigsby The 3 Keys to achieving ANY Goal |
Nicole Gebhardt Everyone has a story to tell: How to write the best book to catapult you to greater success |
Jeffrey Gignac Unblock Your Brain! - Tap The Power of "Everyday Creation" for True Abundance, Unshakable Happiness and Vibrant Health |
Day 7 March 27th | Dr. Brian Mowll What is type 2 diabetes and how does it relate to Performance Living? |
Dr. Cody Sipe What are the secrets for optimal Performance in your 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond |
Ben Greenfield |
Dawn Sylvester How to have endless energy in your 50s and beyond |
Dorian Marie The secrets to surviving Menopause and rocking your 50s! |
Get Access To 30 Interviews From Experts In Health, Wealth, And Personal Growth And Discover Their Breakthrough Secrets For Success

Most Common Questions
Yes, the recording for each session will be available for 24 hours following the session. Watch it any time at your convenience during that period, or you can purchase the ALL ACCESS PASS to get permanent access to the interviews and bonus material.
Carolyn Hansen
Summit Creator & Host
Carolyn’s interest in the fields of fitness and nutrition go back to the days when Jane Fonda was getting women excited about fitness for the first time in the eighties. But it wasn’t until Carolyn abandoned the jazzercise classes and stepped into a bodybuilding gym that she discovered her true passion for fitness and physique and the lifestyle it requires to take home a national title in the sport.
Spurred on by her win and the remembrance of a painful earlier episode in her life when her family life was tragically affected by a brush with cancer she resolved from that day on to dedicate herself to helping others maintain the kind of quality health required to live a long and disease-free life.
Since that time she has published thousands of articles on health and fitness and created dozens of products to help others attain and enjoy the “performance lifestyle”. One that is characterized by quality health, personal fulfillment, and the rewards of being able to provide for loved ones for decades to come.
Dr. Dan Ritchie
Summit Interviewer & Host
Dan Ritchie, PhD is the Co-Founder and President of the Functional Aging Institute.
He is the International best selling author of Never Grow Old, and the PFP Magaine Personal Trainer of the Year in 2014. He has an extensive background in the fitness industry including training and management in commercial and university/hospital-based fitness, for-profit, not for-profit and educational facilities. He regularly presents at national conferences and is a go to expert on Aging and Fitness. He was a Lynn fellow at Purdue University where he received his PhD in Health and Kinesiology with a minor in Gerontology.
Get Access To 30 Interviews From Experts In Health, Wealth, And Personal Growth And Discover Their Breakthrough Secrets For Success