

We’re thrilled to have you promote our summit. For details on how to earn commissions for referrals, and be in the running for our traffic contests (with $10,000 in prize money), please take a moment to check out the various sections listed below.

Also, be sure to sign up as an affiliate so that we can remain in contact with you (also, prize money for unidentified affiliates is forteited, so please don’t be a stranger!)

  1. Join Us As An Affiliate For The Performance Living Summit
  2. Get Paid For Sending Your Subscribers
  3. You’ll Be Paid By ClickBank
  4. How To Sign Up To Become A ClickBank Affiliate
  5. Register As A Summit Affiliate
  6. Creating Your Summit Referral URL
  7. Testing Your Affiliate Referral URL
  8. Join Our Opt-In Referral Contest – March 6 to March 16 [$5000 Prize Money]
  9. Join Our Sales Referral Contest – March 16 to March 22 [$5000 Prize Money]
  10. Summit Banners
  11. Promotional Email Swipes


Join Us As An Affiliate For The Performance Living Summit


In a nutshell, here’s what you can expect from partnering with hosts Dr. Dan Ritchie and Carolyn Hansen for this event:

  • You’ll educate your community – the most important bonus!
  • We’ll provide all educational content, images and copy
  • You’ll receive 50% commission on all sales you generate
  • There is no cost to register as an affiliate
  • We’re both looking forward to partnering with you on this event!


Get Paid For Sending Your Subscribers


We love our summit partners, which is why we’ll be bending over backwards to make sure your referrals are fully cookied and highly robust. What that means is that if you refer a sale you’ll get paid for it. Period.

We won’t assume that just because you sent us a visitor on Monday, and they were cookied for the commission at that time, that when we contact them later in the week and convince them to purchase our All Access Pass for the event they’ll then return through the same device they were cookied on so you get paid that well-deserved commission.

No. We know full well that commissions can get lost when you make those kinds of assumptions.

So we’ll be capturing your affiliate ID at the time your subscriber registers for our summit event.

From that point on, every message we send will contain links back to the summit with your affiliate ID embedded in them.

Of course, we’ll also be providing you with custom referral URLs that carry your unique affiliate ID. Optionally, you can add a tracking ID to your URLs so that you know exactly which promotion resulted in sales.

Here’s how we’ll be achieving this affiliate commission-preserving goodness…


You’ll Be Paid By ClickBank


Truth be told, we’re experts at getting the very best performance from our ClickBank-mediated affiliate referrals. That’s because we don’t assume a ClickBank referral cookie will last longer than the length of a single session (one visit to the site). In fact, ClickBank cookies ARE designed to last 90 days, so that if the visitor returns to the site at a later date and makes a purchase, you’ll get paid.

However, sometimes cookies just get deleted. Or the visitor returns to the event on a different (non-cookied) device (e.g. laptop). And if they’re mobile visitors, well, cookies aren’t quite as robust as we’d like them to be when using our cell phones.

No matter. We won’t assume cookie longevity. We’ll simply send your subscriber back through a ClickBank hoplink each time they revisit the summit based on us prompting them to do so in an email message (we run these promotions every day of the event).

Because we are using ClickBank to handle the affiliate payments you can be assured that you’ll be paid by ClickBank on their next cycle (they pay out twice per month). They also take care of refunds, and in general just make the entire referral process easy to deal with from both your point of view and ours.


How To Sign Up To Become A ClickBank Affiliate


Chances are that you are already a ClickBank affiliate and have an affiliate nickname you can use for summit promotions. If not, simply visit this page on ClickBank and sign up for an account:

Click here to sign up for a ClickBank affiliate account

Once you have your affiliate nickname you will be ready to fashion your referral URLs for the summit. You have several options, as outlined below.


Register As A Summit Affiliate


If you’d like to promote the event and want to be in the running for prize money (see the contests sections lower in this page) then please take a moment to register your ClickBank affiliate nickname here, so that we know who you are.

Yes, this is important. Unless you register we cannot keep you up to date with news about the summit. Nor would you be in the running for any of the $10,000 in prize money, to be handed out to the (named) place holders in our traffic contests.

If you already know the ClickBank affiliate ID you intend to use to promote the event, please use the form below to register now as an affiliate:



Creating Your Summit Referral URL


Should you prefer to use an ordinary ClickBank hoplink to send traffic to our summit registration page, our ClickBank vendor ID is perfliving

However, when you use the custom hoplinks provided below you’ll have much greater flexibility in where you can direct your traffic and still generate a ClickBank referral cookie in the process. Nor will you need to know, or specify anywhere in your referral URLs, our ClickBank vendor ID.

First let’s outline the basic URLs for the pages to which traffic can be sent. Then we’ll indicate how you can add your affiliate ID (and optionally a tracking ID) to turn one of these URLs into an affiliate URL.


Pages You Can Promote During The Prelaunch Period [Just One]



Pages You Can Promote After The Summit Opens

All Access Pass:

ClickBank Order Form:


Days 1-7 (As Appropriate):

Individual Speakers:

Please email to learn the exact identifier used to represent your speaker page. E.g. for Angelina Jolie Pitt the identifier would be angelina-jolie-pitt and the URL for Angie’s speaker page would be:


How To Add Your Affiliate Nickname

Then you would simply APPEND it to any of the URLs displayed above. For example, to the registration page:

Simple. Also, if you wish to add a ClickBank tracking string to the referral URL, just tack on a forward slash followed by your alphanumeric tracking ID – which, we’ll say here, is message01. Our modified referral URL with tracking ID included becomes:

That’s all there is to generating custom hoplinks for the event. Please contact us if you have any questions, and be sure to test your referral URL to be sure it sends people to the correct page.


Testing Your Affiliate Referral URL


You should always check that your referral URL sends people to the page you think it should. But to test whether your referral URL is doing its job of giving you the credit for a referral simply do the following.

Generate a referral URL. Paste it into your browser and click through to the relevant page. Now navigate to the ClickBank order form for the All Access Pass. You should see your affiliate nickname printed at the very bottom of the page.

If you included a tracking URL in your referral link you will see the tracking ID appended to the nickname with a period separating them. e.g.


Join Our Opt-In Referral Contest – March 11 to March 21 [$5000 Prize Money]


Send visitors to the registration page for our summit for the 10 days prior to the event (using your custom affiliate URL) and you’re in the running for our first contest. Winners will be the partners who have generated the most registrations during this period.

The top six prizes will be awarded to the partners responsible for the top six referral counts on our LIVE contest leaderboard (so you get to see in real time who’s inching out who for those top positions). The more opt-ins the higher the prize money you walk away with! All opt-ins MUST of course have been generated by legitimate (unique) visitors who have registered solely because of their interest in the event.

Results will be tallied from 9am March 11th until 9am March 21st (U.S. Eastern time), the time at which the event doors open on Day 1.

  • 1st Place: $2000
  • 2nd Place: $1250
  • 3rd Place: $750
  • 4nd Place: $500
  • 5rd Place: $300
  • 6th Place: $200


Join Our Sales Referral Contest – March 21 to March 27 [$5000 Prize Money]


No sooner than our first traffic contest wraps, we’ll be running a second. This time the contest will be based on the number of sales generated over the ENTIRE duration of the event (this includes sales generated prior to the launch of the contest).

Results will be tallied from 9am March 21st until midnight March 27th (U.S. Eastern time), the time at which the event doors open on Day 1. For the purpose of the contest, sales numbers are based on the figures generated by the LIVE leaderboard tracking pixels and NOT on sales statistics in your ClickBank account (they’re likely to match, but the final arbiter is our tracking software).

  • 1st Place: $2000
  • 2nd Place: $1250
  • 3rd Place: $750
  • 4nd Place: $500
  • 5rd Place: $300
  • 6th Place: $200


Summit Banners


A collection of banners for the summit can be found on a separate page.

In particular, if you are a speaker for the summit you’ll find a banner with your session details on it there.

To the left is a generic 300×250 pixel banner for the summit.


Promotional Email Swipes – A Work In Progress…


Don’t worry, we have our elves working on this now. But remember, you won’t be sending anyone along to the registration page until our planned kick-off date for the pre-launch, which is March 11th.

As you can see below, we’re at work adding swipes to this area. Some will be longer messages, some shorter. We’ll let you know via email when we think the emails swipes are ready…



#1 – Your free ticket to the Performance Living Summit
#2 – You’re invited: to discover for free the secrets of High Achievers
#3 – These 30 experts will reveal the ONE THING that guarantees success…




Hey – it’s

What happens when you invite 30 of the world’s leading experts on performance living to spill their secrets?


Well, you’ll shortly be able to find out.

Because as a member of my list designed to answer exactly this question.

Here’s what’s in store in the days ahead for those who decide to attend this exclusive event…

My friend Dr. Dan Ritchie has convinced 30 high achievers in the areas of health, finance, and personal growth to sit down with him so that he can extract the ONE THING they say has been responsible for their immense success.

All for your benefit.

And all because Dan and his co-host, fitness expert Carolyn Hansen, had noticed something strange over the years.

In fact for decades they had mixed it up with some of the world’s most capable types as they climbed professionally in their own careers.

But they also came across people who simply could not make the journey with them.

People who faltered. Repeatedly.

Not for lack of trying either.

So this question slowly formed in the minds of our hosts for the upcoming summit…

What was it the high-achievers were doing that SO outdistanced them from the rest of the pack?

Why did they succeed – seemingly almost without effort – year after year, decade upon decade?

Well, eventually that question got the better of Dan and Carolyn and the result (where they sought to learn the answer to it) is

For 7 straight days you’ll get access to no less than 4 interview sessions with these bastions of utter domination.

No matter what their chosen field, these people can rightly be said to be crushing it.

And they believe you can use their secrets to do EXACTLY the same.

You’ll hear from experts in the elevation of brain function, the sharpening of the physical senses for all the benefits this entails, and even the attainment of happiness, abundance, and fulfillment.

You’ll hear how to conquer menopause, and not only survive, but thrive in your 40s, your 50s, and beyond.

Maybe your life feels out of balance right now…

Well, these talks are all about fixing exactly that problem, and then taking it to the next level…

Dan and Carolyn even have a speaker who reveals the exact strategies you can employ to achieve superhuman performance WITHOUT destroying your body.

Honestly – there’s something for everyone in this amazing collection of sessions.

But they’ll only be FREE for a very short time, so do take advantage of the opportunity to

I’ll certainly be attending this event.

And the great thing is that I don’t have to go anywhere to do it.

That’s because the summit is an online event.

You can watch every session (or just the ones that interest you) from the comfort of home.

So go claim your FREE ticket now and get access to the entire list of speakers and their upcoming talk schedule.




#1 – Can this fellow really help you become superhuman?
#2 – Real life Iron Man reveals secret of superhuman performance




Have you ever wondered about those seemingly incongruous scenes in the superhero movies?

Like when Tony Stark puts on his Iron Man suit and suddenly his body can withstand incredible “g” forces?

You know – the kind that ordinarily should snap a guy in two… but somehow don’t?

That’s something my friend Dr. Dan Ritchie got to wondering when he received an unusual title for one of the interview sessions for his FREE online summit:

The title of that curious talk?

How To Achieve Super Human Performance Without Destroying Your Body

This illuminating session with fitness superstar Ben Greenfield is just ONE of 30 amazing interviews Dan has recorded for the summit.

Ben, an ex-bodybuilder, Ironman triathlete, and Spartan racer, has a lot to say about just what it takes to transition from a life of ordinariness to the kind of life most of us imagine could never truly be realized.

Not by mere mortals like you and me.

But, as you’ll discover in this eye-opening series of interviews with 30 of the world’s leading experts in the art of performance living… it IS possible.

To learn how – get yourself across to the registration page for the summit today:

Sign up now so that you’re assured of getting access to every one of these sessions before they disappear forever!




She schooled Alanis Morissette in the art of relationships




But thankfully, NOT before the guitar-strumming, singing, and songwriting “World, you need to know my pain!” ball of broken-relationship angst had a chance to get it all down on that bitter gem of an album she called her Jagged Little Pill.

Yet, one small change in the flow of history and that record might never have been made…

Luckily for us Alanis Morissette wouldn’t get the chance to cross paths with “The Relationship Whisperer” until much later in her career.

I’m talking about the woman who declared on the Oprah show that she can teach anyone how to annihilate “The ONE Major Cause of Relationship Problems”.

It’s the very same claim she’s now making in her session of to which you can get FREE access right now – but only for a LIMITED time:

If you’ve ever wondered why the relationship pain and despair seemed to vanish almost overnight from Alanis’s music…

You guessed it.

This woman is TOTALLY to blame.

On the other hand, if in your own life the idea of ridding yourself of MAJOR relationship stress doesn’t seem like a terrible idea…

If the thought of relationship BLISS doesn’t actually scare you off completely…

If you’re not currently expected to write the kind of music that helps millions of young heart-broken girls who are having a rough go of it…

Well, maybe you might want to get across to The Performance Living Summit and get access to Dr. Dan Richie’s interview session with Dr. Margaret Paul.

If you want to rid yourself, as Alanis did, of The ONE Major Cause of Relationship Problems then here’s your chance to do it:

Oh, you’ll also be getting access to 29 more interviews with leading experts in the art of getting the very best from life that you can.

It’s all happening March 21st through March 27th.




She empowers women by telling them to get a grip…




A grip on their business, that is.

That’s because women, she says, are running scared when it comes to matters of finance.

“They have their heads in the sand.”

She claims they’re far less inclined than men are to take a serious look at their business numbers and make an objective decision about how to proceed.

So – if you haven’t already registered for the
which you can still do for a LIMITED time (by clicking on this image):

then Sylvia Chierchia’s interview session with Dr. Dan Ritchie is yet one more reason to

Especially if you sense that you may be running your business blind, making it extremely tough to get your financial health, and your life, off the ground.

To hear Sylvia Chierchia – a financial empowerment mentor to female business owners – deliver her Know Your Numbers talk before it is LOCKED AWAY for good simply register here:

Guys – odds are you’ll get something out of this too.

In fact, anyone running a business today, man or woman, HAS to know their numbers if they are ever going to be able to scale up in a profitable way.

This really is the secret to getting ahead and ultimately being afforded the opportunity to make of your life everything you believe it should be.

When you register for the Performance Living Summit you’ll also get access to 29 more talks.

These represent lessons from people who, like Sylvia, have mastered some critical aspect of health, wealth, or personal improvement.

For a SHORT TIME only these experts are willing to share with you the valuable insights that have been most responsible for the incredible successes in their life.

If you’d like to turn their hard-won lessons into your own “shortcuts to success” simply go here to register for the Performance Living Summit:

It runs from March 21st through March 27th.




Why your brain may have a lot of explaining to do…




According to one of the speakers for the rapidly approaching Performance Living Summit, because of it’s effect on your brain, your choice of food will determine your eventual station in life.

Just how far up the ladder you can ultimately go…

Another says that until you rewire your brain that giant donut encircling your midsection won’t be going anywhere fast.

Yet another says mere “mindfulness” – the simple act of being more aware of the universe of which you are a part – can massively reduce your stress load.

To find out just why these performance experts are so obsessed with what might be called the “self-imposed limitations” of the mind you’ll want to

Even Time magazine felt it important enough to remind me this week how that last summit speaker might be right on the money with his assessment of mindfulness.

That, according to a recent study, “people with high mindfulness scores were 86 percent more likely to have good cardiovascular health”.

In other words, if you are “mindful” you are way LESS likely to keel over one day from a sudden and unanticipated heart condition.

Not only that, but “some forms of meditation practice may even slow the biological signs of aging…”

Well, it all SOUNDS like good news.

But, when you take a moment to think about it, it’s also really kind of scary.

Your brain may well be THE most complex piece of machinery ever devised by the hand of creation.

And yet in all likelihood you don’t have the foggiest idea about how it works.

None of us do.

But, as you’ll discover on listening to the mind-obsessed high-achievers who will be spilling their SECRETS at the Performance Living Summit, knowing just a little more than the other fellow can get you a LONG way towards where you want to go…

And that, I suppose, IS good news.

But only if you take a few minutes to actually make those secrets your own, which you can do here for a SHORT TIME only:

After that, the summit doors close.

Access to these FREE sessions – with 30 top health, wealth, and personal growth practitioners – then disappears forever…

So be sure to take advantage of this opportunity while you still can.

The summit runs from March 21st through March 27th.




When sugar makes your bloody sticky, this happens…




What’s the ONE thing that will ultimately hold you back from realizing your full potential?

It’s something that, once it disappears from your life, can be incredibly hard to get back.

Perhaps not surprisingly this topic comes up again and again in the speaker sessions of the which if you haven’t registered for them already, I urge you to do now (before the doors close):

In his session, Dr. Brian Mowll will be focusing on what today may be the NUMBER ONE factor responsible for keeping people from realizing the performance lifestyle.

If you’ve already guessed it has something to do with your HEALTH then you’re on the right track.

Anytime you walk out of your doctor’s office with a diagnosed condition your dreams for the good life (perhaps even for ANY life) tend to recede pretty darned fast.

To protect your dream you need to first protect your health.

And perhaps the BIGGEST health threat in front of us today is the one that Dr. Mowll specializes in…

It’s a condition you may ALREADY have but not know it because you can remain free of symptoms for a very long time.

I’m talking about type 2 diabetes – which kicks in when your body loses its ability to properly regulate sugar metabolism.

One of the little-known consequences of this disease is that sugar builds up in your blood and actually makes your hemoglobin sticky.

This can quickly become a very BIG problem.

That’s because hemoglobin is the molecule in your blood that transports oxygen from your lungs to every cell in your body.

And if two or more of these sticky hemoglobins should find each other before they make it to a far away cell in your toes or finger tips?

They stick together and refuse to give up their precious cargo of oxygen.

Tingly fingers and toes may be signals that parts of your body are suffocating.

And that’s just the BEGINNING of the miseries that a diagnosis of diabetes can inflict upon you.

The performance lifestyle?

Not a chance.

That’s why I’m seriously recommending you check out not only Dr. Brian Mowll’s talk in the FREE series of Performance Living Summit talks, but also the 29 other talks from experts in their chosen fields of health, finance, and personal growth.

You can find them all here, but for a LIMITED TIME only:

The bottom line: investing in your health is undoubtedly the best form of investment you’ll ever make.

In fact that may be the biggest lesson the summit has to teach.

If you ever hope to be able to realize your full potential, and operate at the levels exhibited by the contributors to this summit, the importance of knowing how to care for yourself CANNOT be overstated.

Note: The summit runs from March 21st through March 27th and you will not be able to get access to these sessions for FREE after that date.




If your life was put to music – would it be this?




More than 40 years ago Neil Diamond stood on the stage of the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles.

It was a hot August night.

As those who had gathered in the amphitheater waited for the charismatic singer to emerge from the darkness a low violin began to cut through the murmur of the crowd…

Rolling Stone magazine would later describe the music of this show as “great, pretentious, goofy pop” with a flair for the melodramatic.

The magazine got it right.

And somewhere on that stage, mostly lost to history now, was a conductor

Listening to the recording of that soaring violin crescendo today it is easy to imagine him, arms hung before his orchestra as he stirred them slowly to action…

Why am I relating to you this long-forgotten moment in 70’s pop concert reverie?

It is because one of the take away lessons from the is that each and every life is a symphony of sorts.

And we all play the role of conductor.

Every one of us.

It is WE who are ultimately responsible for stirring the music that would describe our lives…

Right now you can get access to 30 recordings of interview sessions carried out with top personalities in a selection of niches that span health, finance, and self improvement.

FREE for a short time only, these sessions reveal the ONE thing most responsible for the success of these carefully-selected high achievers.

For the next few days only you can see and hear them share their secrets with Dr. Dan Ritchie – right here:

Now, maybe your life doesn’t always FEEL like a grand symphony spurred on by the love and appreciation of a supportive crowd.

But what if it could?

What if all you were missing was some vital ingredient easily supplied by someone who had already figured it out for themselves?

Wouldn’t that be something?

To ALWAYS feel that your “music” played an essential role in the lives of others?

Well, that’s what the Performance Living Summit is all about.

To help identify SHORTCUTS to the kind of successes that each and every one of us deserves to enjoy – WITHOUT needing to work it all out from scratch!

From March 21st through March 27th the doors of the Performance Living Summit will be open to all.

But tickets are LIMITED to those dates only – so be sure to grab your spot now for this online event while you still can:

If you feel even a tinge of music stirring within you – don’t wait – those notes won’t write themselves!

If you want to bring your music to life, you have to TAKE ACTION.

The purpose of the Performance Living Summit is to help you do exactly that.

Talk later,



LIFE AFTER 50 – Secrets to turning back the clock




Creating an online summit is somewhat of an unpredictable affair…

You know the recipe going in, but you’re never quite certain about how the “cake” will emerge from the oven…

It’s as though genesis and mayhem enjoy the other’s company.

proved to be no exception to this “law of chaotic cooking”, as you’ll see in just a moment.

Before I tell you why, let me remind you that this FREE series of interviews with 30 proven experts in the art of high performance (in all its various guises) can still be accessed here for a SHORT TIME longer:

After their cake was baked, so to speak, Dr. Dan Ritchie and Carolyn Hansen, the summit hosts, detected certain well-developed notes of flavor in the tasting.

The most prominent of those findings?

That many of the speakers had STRONG opinions on what the rest of us should be doing to prepare for LIFE AFTER 50.

In hindsight this should not be the least bit surprising – dialing in the high performance lifestyle requires time.

Sometimes a LOT of it.

Many of the 30 experts Dan convinced to sit down with him have been hard at work for decades.

Their secrets to success the result of long hours of toil and hundreds of blind alleys followed.

That’s what makes their SHORTCUTS TO SUCCESS so valuable to anyone looking to shift their life into higher gear.

You literally get to hear how to avoid the steep investment in time and effort paid by those who earned a spot at the Performance Living Summit table.

In addition to 26 more sessions, when you register for the Performance Living Summit today you’ll hear from:

* A fat loss expert who teaches how to eat for energy while avoiding the seemingly inevitable hormonal issues associated with aging.

* An exercise physiologist and functional aging expert whose innovative strategies banish pain while optimizing performance in your 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond.

* A single mother of three and stress management expert who helps women survive the trauma of menopause so they can continue to rock it in their 50s!

* A personal fitness trainer whose mission it is to add more power-packed, passionate and profitable days to the lives of the 50+ generation than most would believe possible.

That’s FOUR fantastic sessions with an elite group of folks ready to share with you their secrets to solving the energy problem!

If you’ve already hit the BIG FIVE OH then you know exactly what I’m talking about.

An antidote to those energy-zapping days?

It’s literally priceless information…

And remember, this represents just a FRACTION of the information about health, wellness, and fitness that you’ll unearth in these FREE sessions.

But the only way to get access to them before they disappear forever, is to get across to the summit today and REGISTER for the sessions here:

Note: The summit runs from March 21st through March 27th and you will not be able to get free access to these sessions after that date.




Two Kinds of Passion: One You Should Follow, One You Shouldn’t




The other day I was listening to a doctor of cognitive psychology from Yale University give his advice on passion.

As in the kind that draws us in one or another direction in life.

Maybe there’s something you feel COMPELLED to do but you haven’t pulled the trigger on it yet out of fear.

He said there are two kinds of passion.

One you should follow, the other you should not.

That was news to me.

“Passion fuels us,” he said. “It drives us towards greatness…”

But at the same time we can have all the skills in the world but if we’re not properly motivated to translate those skills into something remarkable…

Well, we fail. Guaranteed.

This is something you’ll hear the 30 speakers of the bring up time and again (tickets still available as I write this):

There’s harmonious passion – the kind that propels you forward when you participate in it and ultimately rewards you with a deep sense of fulfillment.

This is the kind of passion we should all celebrate.

But there’s also obsessive passion.

This one is driven by external influences, like the desire to be admired by others, or the belief that one’s self esteem can only be propped up by notched achievements…

The classic mindset of those caught up in obsessive passion involves thoughts along the lines of “I need to WIN, and win BIG!”

So, follow your passion?

Maybe, but you’ll want to be sure it’s the RIGHT kind of passion before you commit your everything to it.

In one of the sessions from the Performance Living Summit Bedros Keuilian – the secret weapon behind some of the biggest personalities in the fitness industry – explains how people can find their TRUE passion and “dominate their chosen path”.

In another session money reiki master Lily Jensen shows us how she helps others to realize, embrace and achieve their dreams by identifying that “harmonious passion” and riding it for all it is worth!

When you register for the Performance Living Summit today you’ll get access to these two talks on “how to follow your passion” PLUS 28 more on topics that span an entire spectrum of ideas in health, wealth, and personal growth.

If you’d like to turn their hard-won lessons on the art of high performance into your own “shortcuts to success” simply go here to register for the Performance Living Summit:

It runs from March 21st through March 27th.


Get LIFETIME Access to These Amazing & Interviews

Upgrade Now – ONLY $47